
Merge Tags Cheat Sheet

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[COMPANY_FULL_ADDRESS] This inserts the address you have set up in your ohwo account into your email. This is required to be able to send your email.
[UPDATE_PROFILE_URL] This allows the subscriber to update their profile.
[WEB_VERSION_URL] This opens the email in the subscribers web browser rather than their email client when clicked.
[CAMPAIGN_URL] This opens a version of the email in a web browser. Update profile/unsubscribe links do not work as the link isn’t subscriber specific.
[FORWARD_FRIEND_URL]This opens a form allowing the subscriber to forward the email to a friend.
[LIST_UID] This inserts the lists unique ID.
[LIST_NAME] This inserts the name of the list.
[LIST_DESCRIPTION] This inserts the description set for the list.
[LIST_FROM_NAME] This inserts the from name set for the email.
[LIST_FROM_EMAIL] The inserts the from email set for the email.
[CURRENT_YEAR] This inserts the current year in format YYYY.
[CURRENT_MONTH] This inserts the current month in format MM.
[CURRENT_DAY] This inserts the current day in format DD.
[CURRENT_DATE] This inserts the current date in format DD/MM/YYYY.
[CURRENT_MONTH_FULL_NAME] This inserts the full name of the current month e.g. March.
[COMPANY_NAME] This inserts the company name set for the list into the email.
[COMPANY_WEBSITE] This inserts the company website set for the list into the email.
[COMPANY_ADDRESS_1] This inserts the Company Address Line 1 Set for the list.
[COMPANY_ADDRESS_2] This inserts the company address line 2 set for the list.
[COMPANY_CITY] This inserts the company city set for the list.
[COMPANY_ZONE] This inserts the company zone set for the list.
[COMPANY_ZONE_CODE] This inserts the company zone code set for the list.
[COMPANY_ZIP] This inserts the company zip code set for the list.
[COMPANY_COUNTRY] This inserts the company country set for the list.
[COMPANY_COUNTRY_CODE] This inserts the company country code set for the list.
[COMPANY_PHONE] This inserts the company phone number set for the list
[CAMPAIGN_NAME] This inserts the name set for the current email campaign
[CAMPAIGN_TYPE] This inserts the type of campaign for the current email campaign e.g. regular/automated.
[CAMPAIGN_SUBJECT] This inserts the subject line set for the current campaign.
[CAMPAIGN_TO_NAME] This inserts the name of the person the email campaign is sent to.
[CAMPAIGN_FROM_NAME] This inserts the name of the person the email campaign is sent from.
[CAMPAIGN_FROM_EMAIL] This inserts the email address set as the from email for the campaign.
[CAMPAIGN_REPLY_TO] This inserts the reply to address set for the email campaign.
[CAMPAIGN_UID] This inserts the unique ID for the current campaign.
[CAMPAIGN_SEND_AT] This inserts the time the current  campaign is set to send at.
[CAMPAIGN_STARTED_AT] This inserts the time the current campaign began sending at.
[CAMPAIGN_DATE_ADDED] This inserts the date that the current campaign was added.
[SUBSCRIBER_UID] This inserts the unique ID for the subscriber.
[SUBSCRIBER_IP] This inserts the IP address of the subscriber.
[SUBSCRIBER_DATE_ADDED] This inserts the date that the subscriber was added to the list.
[SUBSCRIBER_DATE_ADDED_LOCALIZED] This inserts the date that the subscriber was added in the local time zone.
[SUBSCRIBER_EMAIL_NAME] This inserts the part of the subscribers email address prior to the @sign.
[SUBSCRIBER_EMAIL_DOMAIN] This inserts the subscribers email domain.
[EMAIL_NAME] This inserts the part of the email prior to the @sign
[EMAIL_DOMAIN] This inserts the email domain.
[DATE] This inserts the date.
[DATETIME] This inserts the date and time.
[RANDOM_CONTENT:a|b|c] This inserts a random option from a,b or c.
[REMOTE_CONTENT url=’https://www.google.com/’] This inserts content hosted remotely.
[CAMPAIGN_REPORT_ABUSE_URL] This inserts a link for a subscriber to report abuse.
[UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] This inserts a link for the subscriber to unsubscribe from the list and is required to send the campaign.
[UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK] This inserts a link for the subscriber to unsubscribe from the list.

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