
Migrating From Mailchimp Example – Real Time

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This is a fun, example video to see Renae migrate in real time. For exact step by step instructions, follow your Quick Start Guide.
Video’d with Mailchimp on left split screen, OHWO on right split screen.
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Time Stamp Navigation

:00 – :29 | Navigate to Mailchimp List Settings

:30 – :39 | Create New OHWO List

:40 – 1:34 | Copy Over Mailchimp List Settings to New OHWO List Settings

1:35 – 1:51 | Configure and Sort OHWO Fields

1:52 – 3:00 | Add Logo to OHWO Sign Up Form

3:01 – 3:54 | Design Sign Up Form

3:55 – 6:02 | Add Marketing Permissions Check Boxes (GDPR)

6:03 – 7:09 | Center Submit Button

7:10 – 7:29 | Change Fields Sort Order

7:30 – 8:48 | Tinker With OHWO Submit Form Design Some More

8:49 – 9:12 | Navigate to Subscription Confirmation Success Pages in Mailchimp and OHWO

9:13 – 13:52 | Design Subscription Confirmation Success Page in OHWO

13:53 – 14:07 | Navigate to Welcome Emails in Mailchimp and OHWO

14:08 – 18:39 | Design Welcome Email in OHWO

18:40 – 19:01 | Export Mailchimp Email Addresses From List

19:02 – 20:11 | Import Mailchimp List Into OHWO List

20:12 – 22:14 | Delete Extra Mailchimp Imported Fields

Exporting and Importing Your Mailchimp List in 3 Minutes

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