
Create Your First Sign Up Form

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Estimated reading time: 1 min

Video Version – Sign Up Form Tutorial

TIME STAMPS: Overview || 0:00 – 2:49

Importing an Email List || 2:50 – 4:26

Set Up Your Custom Fields For Your Form || 4:27 – 6:05

Navigate To Subscribe Form || 6:06 – 6:32

WYSIWYG Form Tutorial || 6:33 – 11:52

Drag N Drop Form Tutorial || 11:53 – 19:13

Template Form Tutorial || 19:14 – 23:09

►► OHWO Form Templates: https://ohwo.com/formtemplates

Video Version – Success Page Tutorial

TIME STAMPS: Overview || 0:000:46

WYSIWYG Success Page || 0:477:00

Make A Button in Canva || 4:235:50

Drag n Drop Success Page || 7:0113:11

Template Success Page || 13:1219:03

►► OHWO Form Templates: https://ohwo.com/formtemplates

Video Version – Unsubscribe Form and Success Page

Screenshot Version – Tutorial

Click All Email Lists in Your Left Side Menu

Choose the Email List That Needs Sign Up Forms

Click On Custom Field Number

Change Email Sort Field To 1

Change First Name Sort Field To 0

Find Last Name Field and Delete

Click to Save Changes

Scroll Up, Find Quick Links, Select List Pages

Design Your Sign Up Form


Click Drag n Drop button to open editor

Drag n Drop elements to create your design.

Want to use a pre-made template? Click Select your template drop down menu to find a template that works for you.

Select templates to view them

‘Subscribe Form’ templates are for your form pages. ‘Subscribe Complete’ templates are for your success pages after someone signs up.
You can change your template as many times as you like. However, if you change the template in the middle of your design, it will overwrite all current design without saving what you did previously.
If you choose to use the Drag n Drop Editor, you won’t be able to close it and go back to the WYSIWYG Editor.

Click to open each element to change them.


  • Be sure to keep the tags [LIST_FIELDS] inside the designer
  • Replace demo logo image with your logo.
  • Change wording and design how you like it.
  • Click preview all along the way
Want help changing the subscribe button color? Click here for a tutorial.

OHWO Example:

Add a Box Around Your WYSIWYG Form

This isn’t needed if you use the drag n drop editor.

Use the following copy and paste while following the video tutorial:

<div id="parent-div" style="width:30%;">
All Content

Custom Asset

Save changes when you’re finished designing:

Find Subscription Confirmed Page in Drop Down Menu

Design Your Success Page

This is the page that your customers will see after they click submit on your sign up form.

Don’t forget to save your changes when you’re finished.

OHWO Example:

Find the Additional Pages in the Drop Down Menu

No need to complicate this process.
Copy the same logo and design from one page to the next.
Want to see examples? Meet other OHWOers in our Facebook Group and ask to see their pages.

After these sections are designed, you are officially ready to pass around your sign up form link.

Your sign up form link is the link you pass around all over social media, your Etsy shop, everywhere, to get people to sign up for your email list.

Find your sign up form link through the related articles below.

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