
Find Your Sign Up Form Link

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Select All Email Lists From Address Book In The Menu

Select the Email List You Want To Add Customers To

Click Pages

Discover your amazing, incredible subscribe form link!

This is the official link that you share all over. Facebook, instagram, social media, Etsy shop listings, everywhere!

This is the link that will get people signed up for your email list.

Many OHWOers shorten their subscribe form link by using url shortening websites like bit.ly.

To Find Your Unsubscribe form link

Discover your unusbscribe form link 🙁

Bonus Video Tutorial – Set up a domain redirect for your subscribe link


Overview || 0:00 – 1:28 Welcome Email || 1:29 – 5:38

Subscribe Form URL || 5:39 – 6:01

New Siteground Domain Redirect || 6:02 – 8:55

Old Siteground Domain Redirect || 8:56 – 11:57

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