
Sending Your First Email

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Create An Email Template

►► Coffee Template Zip


Overview || 0:00 – 3:13

WYSIWYG Email Template || 3:14 – 13:26

Drag n Drop Email Template || 13:27 – 25:21

Import Email Template || 25:22 – 28:07

Email Template Marketplace || 28:08 – 29:54

Email Template Hack

Click “Send An Email” Within Your Send An Email Left Side Menu

Or you can click the ‘Send An Email’ icon at the top right menu.

Add Email Details

Add an Email name for future reference.

Select your preferred email list.

Click Save and next.

Leave the ‘Type’ & ‘Marketing Campaign’ & ‘Segment’ fields alone for your first email. Just use the default settings for those.

Add Your Name, Domain Email & Subject Line

Not sure what to put for a subject line? Google “Best Email Subject Lines

Type a Preheader

A preheader is the short summary text that follows the subject line when an email is viewed in the inbox. Many mobile, desktop and web email clients provide them to tip you off on what the email contains before you open it.

Leave the rest of the default settings for the best delivery rates.

Design Your Email

You have 2 options for designing your email
We suggest trying email templates later on and not while you’re trying to send your very first email.

Leave the ‘plain text’ default settings alone for your first email.

Use the WYSIWYG Editor as Design Option #1.

WYSIWYG stands for ‘What You See Is What You Get’

Or, Click ‘Toggle Template Builder” as Design Option #2.

Drag and Drop Different Elements Into your Content Blocks

OHWO Example:

Add Your Footer

Using the WYSIWYG Editor? Follow Footer #1 Instructions below.

Using the Drag n Drop editor? Follow Footer #2 Instructions below.

You are required to add your company address and an unsubscribe link to the bottom of your emails. You have 2 ways of doing this.

Footer #1 Instructions.

Using the WYSIWYG Editor:

Copy and paste the following into the bottom of your email:

Our mailing address is:

Copyright © [CURRENT_YEAR], All rights reserved.


Want to change how you receive these emails?

Update Profile | Unsubscribe

Next, turn ‘Update Profile’ and ‘Unsubscribe’ into embedded links:

Footer #2 Instructions.

Using the Drag n Drop Editor

Drag the footer template over to the bottom of your email.

After you’re finished designing, click ‘Save and next’ button.

Review and Click to Send

Success! Now you can enjoy sending as many emails as you like!

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