
KingSumo OHWO WordPress Plugin

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Estimated reading time: 1 min
You must install the main KingSumo WordPress Plugin before following this tutorial.

Navigate to Add New Plugin in WordPress

Log into your wp-admin dashboard

Click ‘Plugins’ -> ‘Add New’ from left side menu

Download KingSumo OHWO Plugin

Click here or on the button to download the KingSumo OHWO Plugin

Upload the Plugin to Your WordPress Admin Dashboard

Click Upload Plugin

Click Choose File

Navigate to kingsumo-ohwo.zip, select, click Open

Lost? Not sure where your zip is? Re-download your plugin here and watch where you’re saving it inside your computer.

Click Install Now

Click Activate Plugin

Find KingSumo Options

Find ‘KingSumo Giveaways’ In Left Side Menu

Expand and Click Options

Click Services Tab

Scroll Down Until You Find The OHWO Section

Keep KingSumo tab open in your browser while you open a new tab for OHWO.

Navigate to OHWO API

Click ‘Api Keys’ in Left Side Menu

Click Create New in Top Menu

Copy The New Public and Private Api Keys

Return to KingSumo Browser Tab

Paste Into The Api Key Settings Of KingSumo Settings

Click Save Changes

Select OHWO Email List in Step 6 When Setting Up Your Giveaway

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